Xhevahire Tërnava
Software Engineering Researcher | Developer | PhD in Computer Engineering | IT Team Leader | Endurance Runner

I am a Computer Scientist with experience in both academia and industry. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at Télécom Paris, IP Paris.
My PhD and postdoctoral research focused on advancing software engineering, with an emphasis on software variability, configurable systems, product lines, software reuse, software builds, and software debloating. I also have eight years of industry experience developing and leading real-world software projects for a large distribution company.
My current research interests include improving software quality by eliminating unnecessary variability in software systems, as well as addressing challenges in designing, implementing, and managing the variability of software systems.
Jan 27, 2023 | I reveived a 🎉 Distinguished Reviewer Award 🎉 from the 17th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS), 2023.
Dec 15, 2022 | My talk An attempt to define null software variability is accepted at the Meeting on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD Meeting), 2023. |
Dec 12, 2022 | Our paper Specialization of run-time configuration space at compile-time: An exploratory study was accepted at the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2023. |
Nov 30, 2022 | Our paper A call for removing variability was accepted at the 17th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS), 2023. |
Jun 24, 2022 | A Newsletter in the CNRS page for our recently accepted paper On the benefits and limits of incremental build of software configurations: An exploratory study at the ICSE 2022 conference. |